
Purpose & Organisation |
The aim of our geography curriculum is to equip our children with not only excellent geography knowledge, but also to enhance their curiosity and skill set to explore and understand the complex and diverse world around them. Pupils are taught about the 5 different strands of geography; locational knowledge, place knowledge, physical geography, human geography and the geographical skills and fieldwork. We have ensured that the curriculum fits the context of the school; ensuring:
- UK and European cultural literacy in its widest form,
- the national curriculum for KS1 and KS2, and
- a reduction and ultimately eradication of stereotyping of the world within human geography.
Organisation of the curriculum |
Our schools has developed a scheme of work for the geography curriculum. We have that all aspects of the geography curriculum are covered throughout a child’s time in their key stage and that their learning is meaningful, ambitious, develops a schemata and has progression through each year and across each year group.
The geography curriculum is split into 5 strands; locational knowledge, place knowledge, physical geography, human geography and geographical skills and fieldwork. The regions of the world that we explore are as follows:
France - The Alps (European region),
Scotland (Region of the United Kingdom) and,
Brazil (Region within North or South America).
These are chosen based upon their merit of physical and human geography.
In geography, a new unit is introduced twice a year and this also includes dedicated time where the children retrieve and revise prior learning.
Lessons are taught discretely but where links to prior learning can be made they are made.
Core of the core |
Every child will have:
- An understanding of the world’s physical geography.
- An understanding of human geography and how this can affect the planet.
- An understanding of their local area compared to a region in the world.
- An understanding of the location of different areas of the UK as well as different locations around the world.
- An understanding of the physical and human geography of the 3 chosen regions of the world.
Planning |
Teachers follow the Unit Overviews and Knowledge organisers provided to assist with planning and lesson sequences. A wide range of physical and virtual resources are used to support with the pupil's learning.
Enrichment |
In both Key stages there is a local area study which will allow the children in KS1 to explore their local school site and surrounding area and in KS2 the children will look at the local river (River Roding) and follow its journey from source to mouth, including the physical and human geography along the way. Together with Geography challenges, field work and visitors, geography learning at the school is engaging and relevant to our changing world; helping our pupils to grow into informed adults of the future.