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Ray Lodge Primary School

Striving for Excellence

Part of Strive4 Academy Trust

Part of Strive4 Academy Trust

Background Slideshow

What is a LGB?

So what do the Local Governing Body do?


The Local Governing Body:


  • Set Strategic Direction - through clarity of vision, meeting statutory duties, engagement of parents and community stakeholders;


  • Act as a Critical Friend - by supporting and challenging the school to improve;


  • Create Robust Accountability - setting targets for pupil progress and achievement, teaching, behaviour and safety, review staff performance and pay, contribute to school evaluation;


  • Ensure Financial Probity - reporting the school's finances and ensuring the effective use pupil premium to improve pupil progress and achievement.


The Local Governing Body is made up of people from the local community, including parents and staff of the school.  Their main responsibility is to make sure that all local decisions made are in the best interest of ALL the pupils in the school. They meet every term, sub committees have specific responsibilities and also meet termly.


Any parent, with a child in the school, can become a parent governor if there is a vacancy. Parents will be notified when there is a vacancy.  Governor training is provided for by the School, the Local Authority and the Trust which will equip them with the necessary skills to robustly challenge the school and report to the Trustees.

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