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Ray Lodge Primary School

Striving for Excellence

Part of Strive4 Academy Trust

Part of Strive4 Academy Trust

Background Slideshow


We take great pride in our extensive network of partners, covering all key areas; business, education, community and culture on a local, national and international level. Each of our partnerships contribute to and enrich the development of our schools and therefore are invaluable in creating our unique and inspiring learning environments.


In our mission to strive for excellence and in shaping the future by developing global citizens of the 21st century we endeavour to utilise our  location to raise aspirations, further enhance the curriculum and give our children - as young as 4 years old an insight into the working world. Aside from providing exciting opportunities, our partnerships allow for personal development, encourage reflective practice and most importantly inspire our children to strive for excellence - the future can be what they want it to be.


Our strong collaborative partnerships enrich the pedagogy and provide staff  with unique opportunities which support and enhance their learning and the development of their leadership skills. Above all, the partnership activities broaden our staff and our childrens’ horizons, taking their learning beyond the classroom and providing a unique insight.


Local Links

We work closely with other local Redbridge & Essex primary schools, the Redbridge Education Partnership, the London Borough of Redbridge & Woodbridge High School.


National Links

We have actively developed strong partnerships with some of the prestigious institutions in London, including UCL, UCL Institute of Education, Vision, The National Education Trust, Inspiring Best Practice, Havering Education Services, The National Auditors Office and Empiribox.

National Professional Qualifications (NPQ)


Strive4 is proud to be working with Best Practice Network/Outstanding Leaders Partnership to deliver the National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) to colleagues across Redbridge.

The frameworks for the NPQs draw from the very latest evidence and research into pedagogy, behaviour, curriculum and more.

The 6 NPQs available are:


Full details for each of the NPQs, including the registration form and information on funding, can be found at or . The team at Best Practice Network can be contacted through the live-chat function of their web site or you can send enquiries to .

When applying please ensure you select Strive4 from the drop down when prompted. This will help ensure your access to local delivery.



International Links

At Ray Lodge Primary we passionately believe that collaborating with schools and leaders of schools in other countries puts learning and world events into context and significantly accelerates staff development.


University College, Lillebaelt, Odense, Denmark.

Each year we host a visit by Danish Educators through our partnership with University College, Lillebaelt, Odense, Denmark. Thirteen school leaders and two from pre-schools visit to look particularly at the Trust's approach to online saftey. 

'Students and teachers were good inspiration for us all...'

'The work with online safety is very impressive...'

'Leadership was inspirational , professional and honest...'

'Great to see policy of internet security adopted into school life...'

'There is a high level of professional teaching around this area in comparison to our schools in Denmark'


PLK Fong Wong Kam Chuen Primary School, HKBUAS Wong Kam Fai Primary and Logos Academy, Hong Kong

It is a privilege to link with the three schools above and to recently have had children and teachers join us in our schools.


The University of North Carolina Wilmington

Annually the Trust is visited by US visitors from UNC-W, arranged by Dr Jayson Richardson & Dr Marsha Carr. Studying for their doctorates and PhDs  on Leadership & Management they focus on the curriculum being taught in UK schools. This is a long partnership and one that shares our excellent practice internationally.

'Pupil voice was inspiring - amazing leadership opportunities for the children...'

'Inspired by the collaborative, constant improvement mindset that all the staff are modelling....'

'Loved the student led learning walk.. '

'A great place to learn...

'Hardwork and passion evident from leadership...

'A culture which is child-centred.'

'High expectations and happiness evident throughout the visit...'

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