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Ray Lodge Primary School

Striving for Excellence

Part of Strive4 Academy Trust

Part of Strive4 Academy Trust

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Nursery Places Available

Our 'outstanding' rated Nursery (October 2021) is based in Woodford Green and is a part of the excellent Early Years Provision at Ray Lodge Primary School.


We pride ourselves on providing a highly engaging indoor and outdoor learning environment. Our on-going support starts with the smooth transition from home to Nursery by providing home-visits and working closely with families to settle our pupils into routines as quickly and as smoothly as possible.


We strive to ensure that every child is given an equal opportunity to learn through their play and get the best out of the Nursery learning experience.


With well planned out spacious play areas, outdoor spaces and high quality learning resources we are able to offer the perfect environment to encourage your child’s development.

Nursery places are currently

available for 3 and 4 year olds!

Subject to availability we can offer:


​Morning and Afternoon sessions Monday to Friday term time.


  • Morning class: 8:45am – 11:45am (15 hours)


  • Afternoon class: 12:30pm – 15:30pm (15 hours)


  • 30 hour free funded codes are accepted from September 2022 - Please check if you are eligible at
    Full day: 8.45am - 15.30pm - A pack lunch from home will be required on full days.
    If you are not eligible for the 30 hour free code but require a full day place, afternoon sessions may be purchased at an additional top up cost of £15.00 per day (£5.00 an hour). 


If you would like to arrange a visit or enrol your child,

please contact:


Phone: 0208 504 7301



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