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Ray Lodge Primary School

Striving for Excellence

Part of Strive4 Academy Trust

Part of Strive4 Academy Trust

Background Slideshow


Purpose & Aims

The aim of our PSHE curriculum is to equip our pupils with the knowledge and skills  to become healthy, independent, and responsible members of our society. We believe that this will enable them to make safe and informed decisions both now and in the future.  Our PSHE curriculum has the highest aspirations for all pupils and has been tailored to reflect our pupil's needs.

In planning our comprehensive life skills programme, a range of themes are covered to support the personal, social, emotional and health development of all pupils. It aims to make sure that pupils are taught how to:

  • recognise risks
  • learn to make informed decisions and responses based on knowledge, attitudes, skills and strategies
  • to recognise and manage situations as effectively and as safely possible and,
  • know where to go for help.

In addition, the aim of our PSHE curriculum is to build, where appropriate, on the statutory content already outlined above as well as relationship education (RSHE).

Organisation of the curriculum

The PSHE Curriculum at Ray Lodge Primary is adopted from the Health Education Partnership: A PSHE and Wellbeing Framework for Primary Schools. It is based on the PSHE Association’s three core themes: Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World. Each year group covers all themes throughout the year and they are built upon as the children move through the school. The scheme of work has been intelligently adapted to ensure that the scheme is ambitious and relevant to the children's needs.

Core of the core

Every child will learn about:

  • Identity (their personal qualities, attitudes, skills, attributes and achievements and what influences these; understanding and maintaining boundaries around their personal privacy, including online)
  • Relationships (including different types and in different settings, including online)
  • A healthy (including physically, emotionally and socially) balanced lifestyle
  • Identification of risks and how to manage risks safely (including online in an increasingly connected world).
  • Diversity and equality with due regard to the protected characteristics set out in the Equality Act 2010)
  • Rights (universal human rights), responsibilities and consent (in different contexts)
  • Change and resilience (the skills used when challenging change or circumstance)
  • Careers (including enterprise, 'employability' and economic understanding)


Teachers use the HEP scheme of work when planning and adapt it to the needs of their class. Knowledge organisers and additional unit overviews are available for teachers and a wide range of resources are available to support with teacher’s planning.


Each unit includes a number of quantifiable outcomes which are then mapped to corresponding statements from the programme of study. A single unit could allow pupils to demonstrate learning relating to several bullet points from the programme of study. Teachers use formative assessment throughout units to inform and allow them to make adaptations to planning as needed.

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