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Ray Lodge Primary School

Striving for Excellence

Part of Strive4 Academy Trust

Part of Strive4 Academy Trust

Background Slideshow

School Prospectus


Thank you for your interest in our school.


We hope that our prospectus will give you a feel of what we have to offer your child here at Ray Lodge.

Our growing success at Ray Lodge stems from our ethos of creating a powerful learning culture, based on our core values, Resilience, Learning, Positivity and Self-belief and a deep desire for our children to succeed.


This prospectus will give you an insight into how our learning culture translates into practice at every stage of your child’s school career with us.


As a school we pride ourselves on having an ethos that promotes a caring environment. The happiness of your child is a priority, and even though the school is large, we aim to know all our children very well. We are a friendly, happy school where all children are encouraged to achieve their full potential and enjoy all aspects of school life.


We recognise the importance of working closely with you and creating positive links for the children between home and school, and this shapes how we work.


Please contact the school to arrange a visit to our school, where our children will be delighted to show you around!




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