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Ray Lodge Primary School

Striving for Excellence

Part of Strive4 Academy Trust

Part of Strive4 Academy Trust

Background Slideshow


Reception 'Pledge' Visit to Lea Valley Farm 16.07.2024

Update for Reception Classes Lunchtime

Reception Attendance 2023-2024

New Reception Starters

'Marvellous Maths' Open classroom for the teaching of maths

Letter to Reception Families Attendance - Mr. J Lee

Nursery & Reception Nativity Performance to Parents

Renovation of EYFS outdoor area

Letter to Rec Giraffes Class - Maternity leave - 30.6.2022

Letter to Reception families from Mr J Lee - Chickenpox

Letter to Reception families from Mr J Lee re:- Threadworms

Letter to Reception Giraffes Families from Mrs Kaur - re School closed for Reception Girafes

Letter to Reception Zebras Families from Mrs Kaur - re School closed for Reception Zebras

Reception - Change of Timings (22.09.2020)

Letter to New Reception Families re: start dates in September 2020

Letter to Families re: Educational visit to St. Barnabas Church

Letter to Families re: Reception Educational Visit to Woodford Green Library

Letter to Families re: Reception Nativity production

Letter to Families re: Reception 'Pledge' Visit to 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'

Letter to Families re Fabulous Phonics

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