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Ray Lodge Primary School

Striving for Excellence

Part of Strive4 Academy Trust

Part of Strive4 Academy Trust

Background Slideshow

Reading a passport to the world.


At Ray Lodge we place reading at the centre of the curriculum because we recognise that being able to read well is a key life skill for all children.

To see how reading is at the heart of our curriculum and to see the comprehensive whole school strategy in place (ie what texts are taught each term and why) click below:

At Ray Lodge we strive to ensure:

  • we foster a love of books and reading for pleasure
  • that all of our children have an opportunity to read independently, read aloud and be read to during the school day
  • the belief that every child can learn to read
  • that children have access to a range of literature which opens children up to ideas, experiences, places and times they might not otherwise experience


'Reading also feeds pupils'

imagination and

opens up a treasure house

of wonder and joy for curious young minds'

National Curriculum in England, DFE, 2014


We make this happen by:

  • providing a range of aspirational texts that link to the wider curriculum
  • developing whole school initiatives such as 'Drop and Read'
  • a progressive and comprehensive reading scheme in EYFS and KS1 (Oxford Reading Scheme)
  • ​​​a coherent whole school strategy to ensure our children learn to read well
  • all staff are advocates for reading


Through our ambitious and immersive curriculum,  alongside challenging text choices,

we aim to inspire our children to believe

that anything is possible.


Click here for a parent's guide to the Oxford Reading Scheme.


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